Place of origin
1 p. ., 158 numb. ., 1 : 6 pl. on 4 ; 31 cm.
by R. Campbell Thompson.
Text mimeographed.
"A discussion on Assyrian minerals, pigments, and glass."--"Introductory.
"The transliteration of the chemical texts": . 131-143.
"The cuneiform texts": 6 pl. (facsims.).
Bibliography: . 144-145.
- Cover
- Titlepage
- On The Chemistry of the Ancient Assyrians:Section 1 Intoductory
- Section 2.
- Section 3. The Cuneiform Tablets Relating to the Manufacture of Glass
- Section 4. The Modern Technical Processes of Glass Compard With the Ancient
- Section 5. The Ancient Componant
- Section 6. The Colouring of Glass
- Section 7. Assyrian Glass
- Section 8. The Alkalin Assyrian Glass
- Section 9. The Sand in Assyrian Glass
- Section 10. The Lime in Assyrian Glass
- Section 11. The Deatails of Glass Manufacture
- Section 12. The Assyrian Methods of Making Glass
- Section 23. The Simplest Assyrian Glaze
- Section 14. The Assyrian Glass and Dušu
- Section 14A. Tusku, Oxide of Tin?
- Section 14B. The Purple of Cassius
- Section 14C. Doos tusku == tuia, cadmia?
- Section 15. Arsenic
- Section 16. Barummmu (?), Iron Rust (?)
- Section 17. Summary of the preceding
- Section 18. Other Forms of Glass
- Section 19 The Making of Copper Scale.
- Section 20. Ukunu merku
- Section 21.lapis magnis
- Section 22.Ferric oxide Section 23. Red-purple
- Section 24. Bronze Inlay (?)
- Translation of the Text: Section 25: The Preparation of the Furnace .
- Section 26. Notes to the Preceding Texts
- Section 27. Some Other Chamicals
- Section 28.A Table of the Minerals of Mesopotamia
- Section 29.The Assyrian Pigmants
- Section 30.The Chief Stones used in Building
- Section 31. The Stones used for Cylinder-Seals
- Section 32.Uknu, lapis lazuli, blue pigment
- Section 33.Sandu, Cinnabar, Vermillion, Carnolian
- Section 34. Hulalu. Ceruse, White Lead
- Section 35.Hušgarru, Halachite, Serpentine, Green stone, Smaragdus
- Section 36. (Tak)UD.AŠ and (tak)UD.AŠ.AŠ
- Section 36A. Sipru
- Section 37. The Meaning of ZA.TU incompounds
- Section 38.(Tak)Šubu, (tak)sihru
- Section 39. Šamaitu == Blue vitriol
- Section 40. Marhaši, or Marhušu marcasite,pyrites
- Section 41. The Iron Oxides
- Section 42.(Tak)KA.GI.N A.D IBB. B \'magnet
- Section 43.(Tak)Šadanu baltu 'living ironstone'== lodestone
- Section 44.The Other Varieties of Iron Ore
- ADDENDA 1: The Weight Kisal
- ADDENDA 2: The Transliteration of Chemical Texts
- Bibliography
- INDEX 3-4-5
- Cover